Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Let's Get Comical! - Amazing and Superior Spiders

MORE comic reviews! I told you fools I've been reading stuff! Just gotta find time to write these reviews, as well as split them up into matching reviews!

Today we'll take a look at the landmark Amazing Spider-Man #700 which serves as the end of the Amazing Spider-Man series and transitions into Superior Spider-Man.

I've been trying a new style of review where I don't give out as much plot details and spoilers as possible (hopefully it's been working for the two of you who read this blog!), but I can't really avoid spoilers here, so BEWARE OF SPOILERS.

Amazing Spider-Man #700

If you remember from my last review, I mentioned that there was a HUGE SWERVE in Issue #698, and that swerve is that Otto Octavius has swapped mindwaves with Peter Parker, thus placing his brain in the body of Peter Parker and Peter's brain in the dying body of Doctor Octopus. So Peter's objective is to find a way to swap brains back into his own body before Ock's body gives out and dies. However, he must now deal with OctoSpidey (who has his own sinister plans for murder, framing PeterPus) as well as the NYPD, and forces the bad guys helping him to not kill anybody, much to their chagrin. In the end, after a failed attempt to reswap brains using Doc Ock's last brainwave Octobot, PeterPus is about to be killed a little early by OctoSpidey, but OctoSpidey has also inherited all of Peter's memories, and can't bring himself to finish PeterPus off. PeterPus tells OctoSpidey with his dying breath about great power bringing great responsibility, and OctoSpidey declares that he will carry on Peter's legacy as Spider-Man without killing anybody. The only difference is that he'll be a SUPERIOR Spider-Man. Such a lame way to end the series, although I'm sure they'll bring it back with Issue #701 within the next year. They ALWAYS do. There were some bonus comics included but they looked pretty lame so I didn't read them. I can't recommend this one, sorry.

Superior Spider-Man #1

So after all of the buildup, here we go. Doc Ock is now Peter Parker, and easily dispatches D-level villains and puts the moves on Mary Jane. He's also excelling at his work at Horizon Labs. The problem is that all the work is being credited to Peter Parker and not Otto Octavius. So OctoSpidey decides to be a little more aggressive, both in his pursuit of Mary Jane's lady parts AND in the defeat of the "new" Sinister Six (which are the D-Level villains that Ock doesn't want to prosper off of the name of his former group). After a quick battle, OctoSpidey easily dominates and is about to kill off the villains when something holds him back. It winds up being the ghost of Peter Parker, who vows to not let Otto kill anybody, and declares that he WILL find a way back. Hated this one too, mainly because the battles were confusing. And the storyline completely sucks too, but you probably could have guessed that. I'll obviously stick with this one, but I DON'T HAVE TO LIKE IT~!!!

Overall Thoughts: This storyline is as stupid as it sounds. Avoid, duh!

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