Sunday, January 13, 2013

Girls Season 2 Premiere

Brief Note: I still intend on posting various reviews on this Blog as a way to help my writing, so in addition to comic reviews (I've been reading them, I swear! Just haven't had any time to write anything up yet) I'm going to try to add in various TV shows and maybe movies as well (I intend on rewatching all four seasons of Clone Wars soon in addition to Game of Thrones and Walking Dead... maybe more).

Anyway, I bought my sister Season 1 of Girls for Christmas, mainly because I wanted to check it out myself; all you ever hear is people raving about how good it is. However, looking at the DVD cover, I had a feeling that the main characters would be unlikeable, selfish bitches that would make the show nearly unwatchable, but we're supposed to overlook that little fact because society deems the show to be "good."

So I randomly stumbled upon the Season 2 premiere tonight while flipping through channels before getting to check out Season 1.

Were my fears confirmed? CLICK BELOW TO FIND OUT~!!!

Now bear with me, as I'm watching this show for the first time and don't know any of the characters.

So the episode starts off with Hannah (played by show director/writer/producer/holyshitshedoeseverythingonthisshow Lena Dunham) taking care of a dude she apparently dated (I assume in Season 1) who was run over by a car and has a broken leg as a result. They get into a fight because the dude doesn't want the relationship to end and Hannah basically acts like a crazy bitch. Well, the show is realistic at least!

This leads to Hannah and her new gay roommate setting up for a housewarming party, which is later filled with the most annoying people you can find, such as a girl I will refer to as "Like OMG Girl" until I learn her name. Every girl at the party has a history with a guy at the party resulting in lots of DRAMA ending with the gay roommate attempting to have sex with Marnie (played by Allison Williams, daughter of NBC News' Brian Williams. Sup girl) and other various hookups. And fights.

And to answer the question from above, yes, my fears were confirmed. The girls were all HYUUUUUUGE bitches, and it made the show damn near unwatchable. In her first scene in the episode I wanted to strangle Like OMG Girl for talking at 56434375439682 words per minute, with like, so, and OMG inserted in between each and every one. Plus we're supposed to believe Lena Dunham's character wants a relationship when she hooks up with 4 dudes during the course of the 30 minute episode? Whatever.

I suppose I'll be giving the show another shot, but this did not get it off on the right track with me.

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