Friday, November 18, 2011


Content Note: Be sure to check out MMA Thriday below!

Welcome to the #FridayFilmFiesta #FFF #otherFFF the best movie news column that is now TRENDING WORLDWIDE on Twitter!

You know, hashtags are like a glass of wine. One is classy, you can get away with two, but anything after that is just sloppy.

Last week I was GOING to ask you if you would ever consider having sex with a woman that looked like Adam Sandler, but apparently even LiveJournal’s Russian Overlords thought that was a crappy poll.



-- #boxofficenews: Immortals wins the day, but sad, pathetic souls still paid physical currency to see Jack and Jill. And lots of it.
-- #trailertime: A documentary about Tetris players, Ecstasy of Order, Into the Abyss, The Hunger Games, Brave, Mirror Mirror, Being Flynn, Contraband, Band of Misfits, and Shame
-- #intheatersthisweek: Happy Feet Two, another crappy Twilight movie, and next Wednesday, The Muppets!
-- #nextweeksnotabledvdreleases: Super 8, Conan the Barbarian, and a bunch of stuff I've never even heard of!

-- Ricky Gervais has been announced as the new host of the Golden Globes
-- LAPD reopens Natalie Wood's death case
-- In the latest round of CELEBRITY NEWZ~!!! Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are divorcing. Well maybe if Ashton didn't spend all of his time photographing women in bikinis from the second floor balcony of his beach condo...
-- In other CELEBRITY NEWZ~!!! Brad Pitt to retire?
-- Remember when William Shatner (wrongly) settled the Star Trek vs. Star Wars debate for us? Carrie Fisher has a response
-- Speaking of Star Trek, Golden Glennifer sends along an update on JJ Abrams' Star Trek 2
-- Eat your heart out, J. Edgar
-- Take that, Objectivists!
-- Titanic's heart will go on, in the third dimension!
-- 90BOOB10
-- But do his friends call him Murphy?
-- A LEGO movie? I'm so there!
-- We already know about Community being canceled for Whitney (the best show you're not watching!) but across the pond, the makers of Doctor Who are planning a reboot and a movie
-- I hope Rebecca Black makes a cameo
-- Well, at least we'll get SOME nudity in that Linda Lovelace movie
-- Ha ha ha haha! Ha ha ha haha! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!
-- A teaser for The Hobbit will be out before the end of the year. Better get crackin' guys!

And that brings us to this week's poll.

Should the Blog of Doom finish off the Twilight Roundtables?
Would rather have sex with Adam Sandler in Drag

Content Note II: There will be no FFF next week due to my being drunk college football rivalry weekend Thanksgiving. See you in two weeks!

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